What It’s Like to Date a Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius Woman

No one is going to be more adventurous or exciting than a Sagittarius woman. This is a sign that is ruled by the planet Jupiter and this means that there are opportunities to have new things happen and to meet someone that is independent.

This person is someone that experienced a lot in their life, and they like to base things on the experiences that they have instead of questioning what other people do. She loves to get feedback and loves too always be right.

This kind of woman is someone that never gives up and she loves her job and will work hard to make it far in life. She wants to travel more, and she will work hard to find time to meet her work values and to do hobbies that she loves.

The loves people and things that are high quality and she believes that most people and things are good.

She is charming and the is someone that people are drawn to and she is very loyal to the people in her circle. This is a woman that has strong ideas and loves to win at life.

Attracting a Sagittarius

This kind of woman will fall in love fast with someone and then she will be in it for the long haul. Do not think she is flirting with you or that she wants a relationship with you if she talks to you.

When she meets new people, she will look for those that can impress her so if you want to do that, you need to speak wisely and to share your experiences with her.

If you are her kindred spirit, she will tell you she wants to spend more time with you and then you can woo her with your poetry and the hobbies that she likes to do.

Always take time to listen to her and to pay attention to her knowledge and her wisdom. Be patient with her and know that she doesn’t want to just be tied down to anyone, but she wants people in her life with a purpose.

Dating a Sagittarius

If you want to date this woman, she is one that loves to go outside. She would like to go out to eat sometimes at somewhere fancy, but she will also love cuddling on the couch while watching television.

She will want to travel and will get bored if you do the same things over and over again. Think of new ideas to keep her on her toes.

Take time to go away on the weekends and to be romantic when you can with her.

Communicating with a Sagittarius

This is a sign that is very honest, and they sometimes come across as rude or blunt. This is a woman that will tell you what she is thinking and will not hold back.

She will want to tell you what she is thinking, and she will love a good debate, but don’t push back against her too much. She wants someone that will be her partner and companion but not someone that wants to boss her or make her feel that she isn’t good enough.

Turning on a Sagittarius

This person is going to be honest and she wants people that can openly talk to her. She wants someone that will be honest and someone that will acknowledge her as to who she is.

She will want to travel and will be a great match with you because she wants someone that wants the same things that she has.

Turn Offs of a Sagittarius

If you are too clingy or you are being too pushy, this will turn her off. She wants to be in a relationship with the right person and she will put up boundaries because she wants to be free.

She is a free spirit, and she wants to be able to live in her on truth and have people around her that believe in that truth.

If you rub her the wrong way, she will turn on you and she will only accept so many apologies before moving on to someone else. She is easily hurt, and her feelings can get in her way.


The Sagittarius is compatible with people that make her feel special. Figure out if you are compatible with her and find out what you can do to make this relationship work.