Clear your energy and meet your twin flame

Clear your energy and meet your twin flame

Some people say that twin flame relationship is just a myth, but I believe it’s real. Your other half who is sharing you the same energy connection is still there waiting for you! Your twin flame is your mirror and you are drawn to each other.

Sometimes, dark energy can blocks you from attracting your Twin Flame. And even the most spiritual individuals having difficulties meet their twin flame. However, with some easy and simple steps, you can clear aura for good and find your sparkly clear love life.

Here are some steps to help you meet your twin flame:

  1. Ask your guides and angels for answers

Ask your angel these simple questions: What do you need to work on in my personality to prepare yourself for meeting your twin flame? How to clear your energy? Ask for a sign if you and your twin are meant to be together? And finally ask your angel to bring your twin into your life.

  1. Energy clearing meditations

On a regular basis, we encounter both positive and negative energies. And since the toxic energies have the power to drain, and make us feel tired and exhausted, it is very important to remove these negative energies.

Meditation is meant to help you remove any form of toxic energies from your life and shield you from negativity.

Before you begin, remember to find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the next 15 minutes. Then, find a comfortable position to sit. You can sit in a chair, crossed legged or on your knees, or lay down and when you’re ready, start listening to your meditation chant music.

  1. Raise your vibration frequency

While you are searching for your twin, maximize your self-care and self love. This way you will be able to raise your vibration frequency and draw your twin to you. When you love yourself, and practice self-care, you experience a clearer energy. You will clear the channel between you and your twin and will make it easier for love to flow between both of you.

Be selfish and take regular time out for yourself to do the things you love. Self-care is essential, so make sure that self-care becomes a usual part of your lifestyle rather than a luxury every now and then. Book a regular message or healing session. Take a bath and add some epsom salts to your bath water to cleanse your energy from any toxic, negative energy. Light a candle, breathe and just relax.