How To Find Your True Love


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADon’t Ever Settle For Anything Less Than What You Deserve

Who doesn’t want true love? Most of us aren’t able to find it on their own. Maybe, It’s time to turn things around! Especially if you’re feeling you’re on your own or if you’re stuck in a one-sided relationship, Here are my tips for finding your true love.

Know When It’s time to End a Bad Relationship!

If you’re in a bad relationship, get out! You really can do better, even if you thought you were with your soulmate. The great thing about soulmates is that we get more than one. You could have six or more if you know where to look. Don’t stay in a relationship that’s going nowhere. If your partner says they don’t love you, they just want to be friends, or they don’t believe in commitment, take them at their word.

Date Single People



Don’t waste your time being the other woman. A married person will only bring you grief. They get the best of both worlds, but what do you get? Besides, do you really want to be in a relationship that was founded on a lie? They’re cheating on their spouse to be with you and there’s a good chance that they’ll cheat on you too. You deserve better.

Separate Sex With Love

It’s okay to be in a “friends with benefits” relationship if both of you are between relationships and you can remain emotionally detached. It’s harder than you think! Don’t expect this type of arrangement to evolve into a relationship, because chances are it won’t.

Stop Changing Them

If you go into a relationship thinking you can change everything you don’t like about your partner, you’re setting yourself up for heartache. If you can’t accept them for who they are, you don’t belong together. It’s true, people can change, but they hardly every do it just because some else wants them to.

Choose People With Common Interests

Participate in activities you enjoy to ensure you’ll meet someone with common interests. If you like to sing, join a choir or go to karaoke night. If you’re into fitness, join a hiking club or gym. If you’re spiritual, go to group meditation or join a religious organization. Pursuing hobbies can lead to love! If you have an online dating profile, make sure you include your hobbies and interests to increase your chances of meeting someone who likes the same things you do.

Your special someone is out there, but unless they’re some kind of delivery man, they aren’t going to come knocking on your door. Go out and do your part to find true love.


  1. This post is a classic case of oversimplification. Ending a bad relationship is easier said than done. Not everyone can just walk away without considering their emotional investment or the history they share with their partner.

    • I see your point, but sometimes people need that push to realize they can do better. It’s not about oversimplifying but empowering individuals.

    • Empowerment is great, but it shouldn’t ignore the emotional complexities involved in relationships. Life isn’t just black and white; there’s so much grey area.

  2. I absolutely love this article! It’s so empowering to remind us that we deserve true love. The tips are practical and relatable. I especially appreciate the advice about not settling for less. Cheers to finding our soulmates!

  3. ‘Choose people with common interests’? Brilliant strategy! I recently met my partner at a hiking club and we bonded over our shared love for nature—and now we’re inseparable!

  4. !Yessss! Finally someone says it: Stop trying to change your partner! This point hit home for me as I used to think I could ‘fix’ my ex. Relationships thrive on acceptance—not projects!

    • @#LoveFinder2023 True love means loving someone as they are, not as you wish them to be! But why do so many people forget this? It baffles me every time.

    • !100% agree! It’s exhausting trying to change someone who isn’t ready or willing to change themselves. We should focus on finding someone whose flaws we can live with instead!

  5. ‘Don’t date married people’—who would have thought? Next, they’ll tell us not to eat glue! This advice is so obvious it’s hilarious! I mean, come on people, let’s use some common sense here!

  6. While the article offers valid points, I would argue that ‘soulmates’ are more about compatibility than quantity. The idea that one can have multiple soulmates undermines the depth of true connection.

  7. ‘Don’t date married people’? Wow, groundbreaking advice! Next thing you’ll tell me is not to rob banks if I want money! Seriously though, these tips should be common sense.

  8. While I see the value in these tips, I must argue that not every relationship can be generalized like this. Some people do manage to work through challenges and grow together, despite the odds. Isn’t love sometimes worth fighting for?

    • @DebateDude, sure, some relationships may flourish despite challenges, but it’s rare! Most people should heed the warnings and avoid toxic patterns.

    • @DebateDude, you make a fair point, but I think the article is addressing those who are consistently unhappy rather than those willing to put in effort for growth.

  9. Really? Another self-help article claiming to know everything about love? It seems like a rehash of common advice. If it were that easy, no one would be struggling in their relationships. Let’s be real here.

  10. (laughs) Friends with benefits? More like ‘friends with confusing emotions.’ Good luck keeping things detached when feelings inevitably get involved!

  11. ‘Your special someone isn’t going to come knocking on your door?’ Really? What if they’re just really bad at directions? On a serious note though, I appreciate the call to action—time to get out there!

  12. This article provides some intriguing insights into relationship dynamics. The emphasis on knowing when to end a bad relationship is crucial. Research shows that staying in unhealthy relationships can lead to long-term psychological effects.

  13. ‘Choose people with common interests’? Shocking revelation! It’s almost like dating someone who shares your values could lead to compatibility… what a novel concept!

  14. I absolutely love this article! It’s a refreshing reminder that we all deserve to find true love and not settle for less. The tips provided are practical and motivational. It’s time to take charge of our romantic lives!


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