The Truth About Real Psychics


psychic-twins-real-or-notAre psychics real?  This is a topic that will definitely sparks a hot debate. Hmmm..What do you think?  Is this stuff real or just a bunch of mumbo jumbo?  

The answer will surprise you.

I have a confession to make.  I’m a psychic medium, but I used to be a hard core skeptic.  My mother would talk about the famous medium John Edward and I would just roll my eyes and say, “Give me a break!”

Years later (quite by accident) I discovered the things that were happening to me were because I am highly intuitive.  I guess my mom was right after all. When I became a professional intuitive reader, I discovered something interesting that seems to separate the believers from the nonbelievers:

Nonbelievers often do not understand how psychic ability works and what it is that a legitimate psychic or medium actually does.

Real psychic ability:

  • is subtle
  • is not mind reading
  • does not mean predicting the future

Psychic ability is a vast topic.  There are many different types of psychic ability and ways in which we receive intuitive information.

Skeptics often don’t understand this.  They also may not understand the difference between such things as a clairvoyant and a medium, or that there are all different types of readings.

What happens lots of times is that all “psychics” get lumped together in one general category.  This is a shame, because all intuitive readers and mediums are as unique as snowflakes, each with their own talents and specialties.

  • 4 Reasons Not to Have a Prediction Reading – Here are four reasons you may want to rethink spending money to find out what your future holds.
  • How Free Will Affects Predictions – Learn how free will affects psychic predictions and why some predictions come true while others don’t.
  • My Reading with a Famous Psychic – My not so wonderful reading with a famous psychic and author.  Though the reading wasn’t good, I learned a lot about myself.


If you would have asked me the question are psychics real in 1999 I would have said no because I didn’t understand these things.  It wasn’t until it happened to me that I was able to answer yes!

Real Psychics vs. TV Psychics

Are psychics real?  They certainly are on television!

Once upon a time, psychics and mediums were taboo.  Nowadays, thanks to movies like the Sixth Sense, and television shows like Medium, the idea of psychic ability and spirit communication is becoming mainstream.

Things that were once portrayed as “woo-woo” are now portrayed in a much more practical light. People are seeing that intuitives and mediums are regular people just like everyone else.

The hit television show Ghost Whisperer is a great example.  The main character on the show is an ordinary woman… who just happens to talk to the dead!

People can relate to these characters because they are being depicted in a down-to-earth manner.

While this is great, we sometimes forget that this is fiction.  These programs and movies are very entertaining, but the ways in which television psychics use their gifts is not always accurate and is often WAY over the top.

Can a Medium Find a Dead Body?

death_decomposition_autopsyI remember one episode of Medium where the main character was asked by law enforcement to find a missing person who was presumed to be dead.

In a matter of minutes, she was able to stand on an open field and find the exact spot that the body was buried.  Entertaining?  Yes!  Accurate?  No.  I’ve worked missing persons cases with many other psychic mediums and it’s definitely not that easy.

Some of the myths about psychic ability come from dramatizations such as this.  These programs can be fun to watch, but just remember they are works of fiction, not real life.

Reasons for Skepticism

There are lots of reasons why someone might answer no if you ask them the question, are psychics real.  Here are the most common reasons:

  • They may have been the victim of a scam
  • They may have had a bad experience with a psychic reading.  Maybe the intuitive reader or medium lacked experience, training, or ethics.  But don’t give up hope.  There are plenty of ethical psychics out there.  You just need to know where to find them.
  • It goes against their religious beliefs. This is OK, and we should always respect that everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs.

woman-with-money-lgIf psychics are real, why can’t they predict the lottery?

Oh, if only!  Intuitive people pick up on energetic signals.  There is no energy connected with lottery numbers because they are drawn by chance.

Just like a bloodhound needs to use the scent of a missing person to help locate that person, a legitimate psychic needs to read energy to gather information about a particular person or situation.

Are Psychics Real:  The Answer

Okay, so we know that not every kid who plays basketball ends up playing for the NBA. The same thing goes for psychic abilities:

All people have varying degrees of this ability ranging from intuition to the ability to communicate with spirits.

Don’t believe it?  Think about this:

  • Have you ever had a time where you felt very strongly about someone that you just met but you didn’t know why?  Maybe you felt a positive, warm and fuzzy feeling, or a very negative feeling?  This was your ESP (sixth sense) picking up on someone else’s energy.  That intuitive feeling is how your Higher Self connects with you.

Or, how about this:

  • Have you ever thought about someone that you haven’t seen in a really long time only to run into them the next day, or get a phone call from them? Hmmm, sixth sense working here as well?

All living things are made up of energy.  Highly sensitive people – like legitimate psychics – have learned how to hone in and read this energy (this is where the term psychic reading comes from).

So yes, psychics are real!


  1. “Oh sure, psychics are just sitting around waiting for lottery numbers to magically appear… right! If only they could figure out how to make themselves rich instead of playing mind games with others.”

  2. This article presents some intriguing points about psychic abilities and their misrepresentation in media. It’s essential to differentiate between real intuitives and dramatized portrayals on TV. Understanding this distinction is crucial for a fair discussion.

    • I appreciate the information, but I still can’t wrap my head around how people can believe in such things without concrete evidence. It feels like wishful thinking more than anything else.

    • I think you’re missing the point! The author highlights valid experiences that can’t simply be dismissed as ‘wishful thinking.’ We should keep an open mind while also demanding evidence.

  3. The article invites us into a world where intuition might be more than just a whimsy thought—it opens up discussions about human connection and unexplained feelings we often overlook in our daily lives.

  4. “I appreciate the author’s perspective and personal experience; however, many people still associate psychics with scams. The industry has its share of con artists that make it hard for genuine practitioners to gain credibility.”

  5. “Psychics are real?” This sounds like a plot twist straight out of a bad sci-fi movie! Next thing you know, they’ll have us believing in time-traveling cats too! Come on, folks, let’s get real here!

  6. I found this article to be incredibly enlightening! It’s fascinating to see how the author transitioned from skepticism to becoming a psychic medium. It gives me hope that there’s more to our world than meets the eye.

  7. “So if psychics can read energy, does that mean they can tell when I’ve eaten too much pizza? Because trust me, my energy levels drop significantly after that slice too many!”

  8. Honestly, this whole idea of psychics is just ridiculous. How can someone claim to communicate with the dead? It sounds like a ploy for attention and money. I’ll stick to science, thank you very much.


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